CANADA Disclaimer

Complaint Resolution Procedure Policy

Customer Care Dedication

CNA and its affiliates (“CNA”, “we”, “our,” or “us”) strive to deliver exceptional customer service at all times to our valued customers.  In Canada, CNA products and services are provided by Continental Casualty Company, and in Québec, under the name La Compagnie assurance Continental Casualty.    


If you have any complaints or concerns about our products, services, or conduct, we would appreciate your communicating this with us. Your issues will be dealt with professionally, fairly and promptly. Your complete satisfaction is our priority.


What Should I do if I Have a Complaint?

It is our responsibility here at CNA to ensure our customers receive prompt, fair and proper responses to their complaints and that they are handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

If you have any concerns, inquiries, or complaints, please follow the following steps:


Step 1: Contact us

Your first step to have your issue resolved should be to reach out to the CNA representative (underwriter, claims professional etc.) who you have been dealing with.  By speaking with the person who is most knowledgeable of the situation a solution can usually be reached faster.  You may also want to advise your insurance broker of your concerns and they can often help in resolving issues. 


Step 2: Speak with a Supervisor/Manager

If you are still not satisfied with the result after speaking with the CNA representative ask to have their supervisor or manager reach out to you.  They will be able to review the decision and discuss your concerns in detail.


Step 3: Contact the Complaints Officer

If you have not been able to reach a satisfactory resolution with the CNA representative or their supervisor/manager further to discussing all your concerns raised and providing all information for consideration in support of those concerns, you may contact CNA's Complaints Officer.  CNA's Complaints Officer is an employee of CNA who will conduct a thorough review of your complaint.


CNA considers a complaint to be an expression of one of the following three elements, which persists after being considered and examined at the operational level charged with making a decision: a reproach against the company; the identification of real or potential harm that a consumer has sustained or may sustain; or a request for remedial action.


The Complaints Officer will:

  • Confirm receipt of your complaint within 3 business days. If you are a Quebec resident, your acknowledgement of receipt will indicate the file number of your complaint and will be accompanied by a written notice informing you of your rights;
  • Manage the complaints process, including referring concerns and information not previously received by CNA back to the CNA representative or their supervisor/manager;
  • Provide a date we expect to answer all of your concerns (usually within 30 (thirty) business days) and advise if that date will change due to unexpected delays;
  • Ensure you receive a response to your complaint;
  • Issue a "final position” letter upon request if your complaint cannot be resolved and, if you are a Quebec resident, will send you a letter explaining the reasons for the decision.

To help us handle your complaint promptly and thoroughly, please provide us with the following in writing:

  • Your name/corporate name and the related policy number or claim number;
  • Your e-mail and/or mailing address;
  • A phone number you can be reached at;
  • The details of your unresolved concerns;
  • What your desired outcome of the complaint is;
  • Any supporting documentation;
  • You may also include the steps you have taken to date to resolve your concerns.

Ways to contact the Complaints Officer:


By Email


By Phone

1-416-542-7300 or 1-800-268-9399    


By Mail

Complaints Officer

Continental Casualty Company (Canada Branch)

66 Wellington Street West, Suite 3700
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1J5

Step 4:  Review by Independent Source

If we are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution to your concerns after they have gone through our internal complaint handling process, we advise our customers to contact the General Insurance OmbudService (GIO).  GIO’s services provide consumers with an alternative solution to the courts. The primary objective is to resolve disputes efficiently and equitably by attempting to find a mutually agreeable solution in a confidential, non-confrontational, and cost-effective manner that is a benefit to all participants.

General Insurance OmbudService (GIO), Manager of Complaints
10 Milner Business Court, Suite 701
Toronto, ON M1B 3C6
Telephone: 416-299-6931 or toll-free at 1-877-225-0446


You can also contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) at:


Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
427 Laurier Avenue West
6th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9



For Québec consumers: The Autorité des marchés financiers (‘AMF’) regulates Quebec’s financial markets and provides assistance to consumers of financial products and services. If you are not satisfied with our final response to your Complaint or with our handling of your complaint, you may request at any time that your file be sent to the AMF.  A Request for the Transfer of a File form and other information about the AMF, is available on their website:


The AMF can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-525-0337.


The AMF’s mailing address is:

Autorité des marchés financiers

Service du traitement des plaintes et de l’assistance

800, square Victoria, 22e étage

C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse

Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1G3


The most recent update to this Complaint Procedure Policy was in December 2021.