In an article published by Insurance Business Canada, CNA's Rob Herron, discusses the growth trends in the construction industry and the how our Oneworld+® package is designed to meet the complex challenges and threats businesses face today.
The construction industry in Canada has stayed strong throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite shortages in material supplies, inflationary pressures on material costs and labour, as well as challenges around human safety, the industry has remained a safe and stable contributor to the Canadian economy.
In fact, the construction industry is projected to be on a steady growth trend. According to BuildForce Canada’s 2020–2029 Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward national report, employment in the sector is expected to grow by 50,200 workers by 2029, propelled mainly by major public transportation and infrastructure, utility, liquefied natural gas, pipeline, and health services projects. New-housing construction is also expected to bounce back post-pandemic, in conjunction with growing non-residential construction.
To help Canadian construction companies make the most of these burgeoning opportunities, CNA offers Oneworld+® Construction – a package solution designed to meet the complex challenges and threats that construction businesses face today. The package contains key coverages as standard (commercial general liability, property, business income, equipment breakdown, crime, voluntary workers compensation and employers’ liability, and umbrella) as well as a broad suite of distinctive coverages (D&O, event cancellation, media crisis management, currency devaluation, contractors E&O, and building material replacement).
“CNA’s Oneworld+® Construction package truly delivers distinctive coverages,” said Rob Herron, underwriting specialist – construction, CNA. “Insureds can get access to industry-leading coverage for their property, casualty, or inland marine exposures. Through Oneworld+® Construction, we also provide a broad range of value-added services, including support services and customized educational materials, exposure guides, seminars, claims analysis and on-site, phone or virtual consultations.”
For more information and personal insights, read the full feature: ‘CNA’s Distinctive Offering for Construction Insurance' published in Insurance Business Canada.
Published article: HERE
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