In an article posted by Canadian Underwriter, Nick Creatura highlights the key factors impacting the insurance risk landscape in 2021.
“As we know, the future rarely unfolds as we expect. Uncertainty drives our value proposition. Insurance responds when the unexpected happens.
In this period of uncommon uncertainty, it is incumbent upon all participants in the insurance value chain to raise their resilience quotient. Insureds, carriers, advisors, intermediaries and regulators all have vital roles to play in mitigating against the potential adverse consequences flowing from a number of macro factors and trends impacting the risk landscape.
The COVID pandemic is certainly among the most impactful of these factors. How long before we are through it? How effective will the vaccines prove to be? To what degree will the most severely impacted economic sectors recover? How will the lessons learned from an extended period of working remotely impact travel, commuting patterns, and the use of real estate? These are among many as-yet-to-be answered questions of the post-COVID world. There will be a return to normal, but over what period of time and exactly what the new normal will look like remain uncertain.”
For more information and personal insights, read the full feature: Executive Outlook 2021: Nick Creatura, CNA Canada, published in Canadian Underwriter.
Published article: HERE
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