Canada at a Glance
Take a look at our financial strength, highlights and performance overviews.

Take a look at our financial strength, highlights and performance overviews.
Along with CNA Business Representatives, CNA’s Enterprise Procurement Group is responsible for managing processes, systems and activities relating to the purchase of supplies and services at the best value, in a timely manner, while maintaining fairness to suppliers.
For certain enterprise vendor relationships, Workday is CNA’s e-commerce solution for purchasing, invoicing and payments. Working with us electronically can help you increase your order-taking efficiency, reduce mistakes and delays fulfilling orders, and maintain a better presence with CNA. Benefits to suppliers include:
Reduced manual paper transaction processing
Suppliers wishing to pursue business with CNA should register their company information by contacting your CNA Business Representative. This does not confer any preferred supplier status or guarantee that you will be contacted, receive a contract or request to bid, or be awarded business. Completing the registration process lets commodity owners know you are interested in doing business with CNA and provides information used in our sourcing selection process.