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Jun 24, 2019

CNA’S Nick Creatura Featured in Canadian Underwriter Magazine

In an article published by Canadian Underwriter Magazine, Nick Creatura, President and CEO of CNA Canada, discusses the lack of a mainstream insurance product for social media risk.


“Reputational risk is something that is going to have to become a mainstream insurance product,” said Nick Creatura, CEO of CNA Canada. “It can be hard for businesses to understand exactly who they are talking to; where commentary is originating from and of course to correct misconceptions once they have been widely shared. The phenomenon of ‘fake news’ has been widely discussed in terms of politics, but businesses can also be undermined by the same strategies.”

For more information and personal insights, read the article "This Social Media Risk Lacks A Mainstream Insurance Product", published in Canadian Underwriter Magazine.


Published, article HERE.

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