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Dec 30, 2019

CNA's Nick Creatura featured in Canadian Underwriter

In an article published by Canadian Underwriter, CNA's Nick Creatura, President & CEO at CNA Canada, discusses the increasingly interconnected risks facing the industry in 2020.


“Within commercial insurance, 2020 is expected to herald a continuation of the current transitional market as industry participants seek out a new equilibrium. Shifts in carrier appetites, more intentional deployment of capacity, and increased differentiation in rates and terms will continue, spurred by a tightening retrocessional reinsurance market and continued sub-target returns for many insurers and reinsurers.”


For more information and personal insights, read the article Executive Outlook 2020, published in Canadian Underwriter.


Published, article HERE.

/web/guest/cnacanada/about/newsroom/in-the-news/news-details CNA's Nick Creatura featured in Canadian Underwriter Z6_4OGC6CAHAR6S10QF51BE6C2LV1 /CNACANADA /About CNA /About CNA Financial Corporation | CNA /Newsroom | CNA /In-The-News | CNA /News Details | CNA